Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Gettin' back on the Workout Wagon

It has been just over three weeks since I exercised for 14 hours and 56 minutes in one day. Since that day I have done a whole lot of not working out. And by that I mean I have not worked out a single time (unless you count doing 15 crunches a day a workout or dancing until 3 am) until this evening.

Instead, I have spent time traveling up and down the east coast visiting friends and having a social life. Yes, a social life. I danced. I stayed out past 3 am on more than one occasion. I slept until noon because I could. I drank entirely too much beer at one time. I tried soup dumplings in NYC (amazing!). I wore 4 inch heels. I painted my nails and blow dried my hair. It's been glorious.

I know, it's alot of beers. We were at a concert and had a great spot right in the front so we stocked up so we would not have to move. I would be lying if I said we didn't drink it all (plus perhaps a few more).

Why yes that is my Ironman jacket I am wearing while attempting to eat soup dumplings.

After 3 weeks of eating, drinking, sleeping and being lazy, I began to get antsy to hit the gym. Really antsy. I got to the gym tonight and I stared blankly at all of the machines unsure of what I felt like doing. I got on the treadmill dreading how awful running would feel. I started out slow and was surprised at how easy and effortless it felt. So I sped up. It felt SO good to be running fast. I spent a whole year running in zone 2. My first mile was right at 10 minute pace. The second mile I jumped to an 8:30 pace. By the third mile I was feeling a little daring so I pumped up the treadmill to 8.6, a 6:59 pace, and held on for dear life. I finished the third mile panting, sweating, with my heart rate through the roof and with a huge smile. That is the fastest mile of my life to date. 3 weeks after an Ironman. I like it.

I was so excited with my run that I got off the treadmill and enthusiastically did a hard weights and abs workout. It is safe to say that tomorrow I may not be able to move- and that is okay because marathon training doesn't start for a few more weeks.

And on a totally random note- This is the sign on the door of Rice to Riches- a store in NYC that only sells 35 different flavors of rice pudding. It is amazing. I told you I have done a lot of eating!


    - jw

  2. you go girl!! Where can I get me some dumplins?

    And, I checked out that site...holy rice pudding!! Now I kinda want some...

  3. Nice to see you enjoying something TNT isn't swim bike run for a change! Congrats on the newly found speed! Marathon training ith your base is going o be a whole nw adventure!

  4. Hi! I'm training for my first IM (Madison).
    Did you take 3 weeks off after IM, by direction? Or was that just the amount of time your body needed to heal? I'm curious about how post IM recovery will be. And how I will feel the days following. I have friends up in Madison and I was hoping to get some fun in, the days after…but I'm not sure how my bod will be responding :)

    LOVE that sign btw.

  5. OMG, I love that sign! I love Rice to Riches but haven't been there is years. Your post is making me want to plan a trip to NY!

  6. 1. Post-IM fitness FTW.
    2. Wear that jacket everywhere, you earned it.
    3. I want that sign!
    4. I miss you, come back.

  7. Thanks for the comment you left on my blog!!! And for reassuring me that I can party down after IM. Woop Woop. You da bomb!!!!!!!

  8. Congrats on the speedy mile! Sounds like dancing, eating a lot and beer drinking are the perfect speed training.

  9. You totally deserved the break. Keep it up through the holidays!

  10. Glad to see you have enjoyed your break. It sounds like we both have similar plans for 2012 racing - shorter and faster :). Best of luck getting back into training!

  11. I love that you are enjoying this time... you earned every minute (and calorie) of it! :)
